Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Leftovers are Better than the Turkey Itself!

Thanksgiving leftovers are great! In fact its really the only time of the year that I can handle devouring a meal a second time around.  I know what more than a few plates of the original feast are consumed as the long weekend progresses, but what do you do when want to find new creations, new ways of seeing your turkey and sides, new ways to taste the perfection?

I have a few favorites:

Turkey, Cranberry Relish, Stuffing and Havarti Panini- A great way to eat all the flavors you love packing a warm, crispy sandwich. The Italian's version of a grilled cheese, but with a whole lot more! The options are endless here... some want stuffing, some smoked gouda, or even gravy!

Chipotle Turkey, Bacon and Cheddar Panini- Bacon, melted cheese, Crisp chewy bread, turkey... need I say more?

Turkey Noodle Soup- Nothing going to waste I boil the leftover turkey after I've stolen all the meat and make a wonderful broth. I freeze some in quart containers, and even in 8 oz. containers to use later. I always have enough left to make a big pot of turkey noodle soup to warm everyone up as the temperature drops!

Creamy Turkey Enchiladas
 My families favorite! Packs a flavor punch using the broth to make a creamy chicken Enchilada with a red sauce outside its the best of both worlds! And when they wary of the same flavors this Latin American dish really changes the pallet. Turkey Enchiladas

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